Sunday, July 29, 2012

The important thing value for me

the important thing in my  life is my love once, first is god  because i know that  he sacrifice himself for us to live in this world. second is my family , i  know that they love me too and how much i  want to repay the love that they share to me.And the third is my friends that is very special to me  because they are the one who helps me with my problem and that why i love my friends.true friends are special to me thats all

Forgetting my Password

 That time I wanted to post my blog in WIX account, but I couldn't open my account. I was angry about that
trying to remember my password but  couldn't, i tried my best in remembering but i couldn't. grrrrr.
 I was hoping that i could log in and post my blog, but it turn out that i could not remember my password.

I learn that never memorize your password, you may forget too. just write down your password in a sheet of paper so that  you will never log in your account not remembering that stupid password